It’s December, a month for celebration! Hanukkah has begun, Winter Solstice is near; then Christmas, New Year’s, and so much more. Let’s raise a toast!
But wait! What shall we toast with? Sparkling wine is called for, but that broad genre covers a wide range of possibilities that might range in price from $5 or so (for Gallo’s widely mocked Andre “California champagne”) to $4,666 (for 1988 Dom Perignon P3 Plenitude Brut Rose, the priciest French Champagne in Wine-Searcher’s listings).
But surely, I can hear you saying, there must be a middle range, a Goldilocks zone where the lines of price and quality cross at a point of perfect balance.
Yes, of course there is. In fact, the pickings are rich and worth pursuing.
Sorry, this week’s column is limited to paid-tier subscribers, whose support makes it possible for me to purchase more costly wines like this week’s featured Crémant de Bourgogne. I’d love it if you would consider subscribing for full access to all my tasting reports!

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